PGA Institute updates flagship course offering

PGA Institute updates flagship course offering

The PGA Institute has made crucial updates to its flagship course to provide the most up-to-date educational experience that reflects the current golf industry.

As of July 1, the Diploma of Golf Management will be replaced by the updated Diploma of Golf Business and Management.

With the current course’s period of currency coming to an end, a committee of both PGA of Australia and Golf Australia staff, as well as managers from the broader golf industry, reviewed the curriculum, noted alumni feedback, the industry relevance of the course and the subjects it included.

The new course better reflects the current industry, while continuing the PGA Institute’s focus of providing the only nationally recognised qualification in the golf industry.

“The new Diploma of Golf Business and Management is reflective of industry best practice,” said Suzanne Burns, PGA of Australia’s Senior Manager – RTO.

“It’s reflective of the current needs of industry, upskilling and empowering staff, ensuring we have a skilled workforce and are providing further career and educational opportunities for students.”

The curriculum has altered slightly to include only 15 units, removing some of the units that were no longer the most relevant for the golfing industry.

The new course structure focuses on the skills and knowledge required for career success in the industry, including golf operations and management, human resource management and critical business skills.

The existing pathways to higher education for PGA Institute students are still available, including advancement into various bachelor degrees with Holmesglen Tafe; Torrens, Deakin and Griffith universities; as well as the internal pathway into the PGA’s Membership Pathway Program.

To find out more about the PGA Institute click here.